

Hi, welcome to my homepage 😉. I am Metaron, a PhD student from SUSTech. I also have been a Back-end Development intern in CSIG of Tencent and a Research intern in OPPO. I am interested in the technologies of back-end, knowledge graph, and machine learning technologies. I will record some notes and share some coding tips in this site.

  • 😺 Knowledge Graph Completaion and Applications
  • 😸 Machine Learning and its Optimization
  • 😼 Back-end Development
  •  Back-End Development intern in the CSIG of Tencent.
    • The development work for the back-end system of an alarm management platform.
    • A tool that used to maintain the alarm history data from multiple platforms and multiple data origin uniformly.
  • 📱 Research intern in OPPO
    • Compression of a neural network model that used in NLP task.